Random Modeling Tip
An easy way to enhance the look of any diesel locomotive is to blacken the grills and vents to provide more depth. You can use a black wash to bring out the grill or vent details. Weathering powders are extremely effective bringing out locomotive vent and grill details.
WeatheringRandom Articles

Hopper Weathering Clinic
By Bill Mock
December 2009
Here is the first stages of weathering of my new BN [ ... ]
or why did I decide on Z-Scale model railroad.
I had been dabbling in N Gauge off and on since 1974, when I gave [ ... ]
MyBlogRead more...Found a new resource for windows,doors,buildings,and cars/trucks ect.It's called micronart. You can find them on the web at www.micronart.com they can definetly [ ... ]