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Michael Hilliards Holiday Guessing Game

13 years 3 months ago - 13 years 3 months ago #12370 by soccrdad30
Michael Hilliards Holiday Guessing Game was created by soccrdad30
Michael Hilliard’s Holiday Guessing Game

Michael has two (2) holiday gifts to give away for the Z community. Michael will post a hint for the first prize, then members can post their guess of what Michael is giving away. If there are no correct answers after 24 hours, Michael will post another clue about his giveaway prize. This process repeats until a correct answer is given. Members are allowed only one guess after EACH hint (for a 24 hour period), and the first correct answer is the winner. Once a prize is correctly guessed Michael will announce the winner and the prize. Once the winner is announced Michael will gather their mailing address and send out their Holiday Guessing Guessing Prize.

After the first prize has been awarded, I will start a second thread for Michael's second Holiday Guessing Game.

Remember, only one (1) guess allowed after each posted hint. If there is no correct answer in 24 hours then another clue will be posted and members get to post another guess. A second guess in 24hrs, even if correct will not be acknowleged for breaking the one vote per 24 hour rule.

The guessing game will start this noon hour Wednesday December 14th, EST. The hints will be vauge, ryhme, riddle "as if" the prize is giving the clues of itself.

This will be very interesting. Have fun and good luck!
The following user(s) said Thank You: Fred, slugger, Sierra117
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13 years 3 months ago #12375 by Zcratchman_Joe
Replied by Zcratchman_Joe on topic Re: Michael Hilliards Holiday Guessing Game
Sounds like fun...

But it might be a good idea to clarify things before this starts.

Is that 24 hour period for guessing, YOUR 24 hour period or OUR 24 hour period?

In other words, is it one guess between noon and noon, or might a person guess at say, 1:00pm on Wednesday after the contest starts, then not again until 9:00am on Friday and then again after the new hint at noon on Friday? Two of these guesses are within 24 hours of each other, but still only one guess in each of the three “noon to noon” 24 hour periods between Wednesday and Friday.
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13 years 3 months ago #12377 by soccrdad30
Replied by soccrdad30 on topic Re: Michael Hilliards Holiday Guessing Game
Yep... I understand.

Michael will kick start this game during the noon hour EST with a hint this Wednesday on December 14th, 2011. After Michael's hint has been posted, you get only one quess (first correct quess wins the secret prize) to post in response to his hint. You have until the noon EST Thursday December 15th to post your guess. If there is not a correct answer, then Michael will post another clue the following day, and the cycle repeats until a correct guess is given.

And no... Stony and I do not know the secret prizes so bribery of DCC'd locos will not help.

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13 years 3 months ago #12379 by mchwilton
Replied by mchwilton on topic Re: Michael Hilliards Holiday Guessing Game
Joe and all,

The clue will be given during the noon hour eastern standard time. It will be during MY noon hour and run for 24 hours according to my clock (which is set to the atomic clock). You will have to consider your own time zone as to what hour the clue is posted and time accordingly. In other words, if I post the clue at 12:05 est on Weds. you get 1 vote til 12:05 est or til I post the second clue on Thurs. For example if I post the second clue at 12:20 est on Thursday, you don't get to guess again til after I post the second clue, so it would actually be 24 hours and 15 minutes. If you're on the west coast USA, it would be the 9am hour, if in Germany it would be the 6pm hour etc.

To put the above simple, I give a clue and you are allowed only one guess until I post the next clue for however many days this goes on, might be a day, might be a week, who knows.If you make a second guess before the next clue, even if it's correct, it will not be acknowledged, it will be ignored and you don't win. So if you think you have the correct answer to what the prize is for a second guess, wait til I post the second hint before guessing again. Chances are multiple clues will be needed unless someone takes a shot in the dark and gets it right.

If there are any disputes I will be the sole arbitrator and my decision will be final! I want this to be as fair as possible. "I" think the rules are simple as John spelled out. Why is my decision final, because I'm the only one that knows what the prize is and I paid for the prize.

Remember, the clues will be in the formate of the prize itself giving the clues. The whole game is about guessing what the prize is and that's what someone will win. You must be very specific with your guess. For example, if it's a boxcar, that guess will not be accepted, you'd have to spell out what kind of a boxcar and the roadname, not just "it's a boxcar". Prizes will of course be Z scale.

This game has been authorized by ZCS, but don't hold ZCS responsible since they don't know what the prizes are. I'm the only one to blame anything on. I'd suggest if you think you might have a problem or dispute with this friendly holiday game, don't play and spoil it for others. I reserve the right that if there are disputes and problems, to end the game without a winner. Remember to have some holiday spirit, this isn't ment to be like fighting for a parking space at the mall!

Anyway, I hope everything is spelled out clearly and good luck to all. Happy Holidayz.

Michael Hilliard
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13 years 2 months ago #12385 by mchwilton
Replied by mchwilton on topic Re: Michael Hilliards Holiday Guessing Game
Just a last note . This game is open to worldwide z scalers and I will ship worldwide except where the USPS or the US Gov. prohibits. Example, I won't ship to Cuba, Iran, North Korea, etc. as defined by the US Gov., I'm sure the list is long. I won't break the law internationally or otherwise. Please international Holiday Gueussing Game Players, be sure I can legally ship the prize to you before participating. I ship via the USPS and I don't want to find out I'm not allowed to ship to your counry after standing in line at the post office. Then you get nothing and no one else does because the prize and winner will have already been made known.
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13 years 2 months ago #12389 by Socalz44
Replied by Socalz44 on topic Re: Michael Hilliards Holiday Guessing Game
Ooh, I'm up for this. Good luck all. Jim :cheer:
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13 years 2 months ago #12397 by mchwilton
Replied by mchwilton on topic Re: Michael Hilliards Holiday Guessing Game
Welcome to Z Land where everything isn't always as it seems.Here's your first clue. Sing it like a nursery ryhme.

Everything goes round and round, up and down, back and forth...
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13 years 2 months ago #12398 by N/A
A locomotive.

John Bartolotto
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13 years 2 months ago #12399 by ryuen
A driver for a steam locomotive fits the bill on all those motions so: a steam locomotive
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13 years 2 months ago #12400 by TheWag
Replied by TheWag on topic Re: Michael Hilliards Holiday Guessing Game
A playground!
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13 years 2 months ago #12401 by KIN477
Replied by KIN477 on topic Re: Michael Hilliards Holiday Guessing Game
A Water wheel, on a mill
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13 years 2 months ago #12402 by mchwilton
Replied by mchwilton on topic Re: Michael Hilliards Holiday Guessing Game
So far it sounds like another clue is needed. I'm not going to repsond to every wrong guess, but will anounce the winning guess :)
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13 years 2 months ago #12404 by Fred
a Crane car
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13 years 2 months ago #12406 by slugger
Replied by slugger on topic Re: Michael Hilliards Holiday Guessing Game
my guess is a locomotive turn table

Thanks Michael for this fun game :)

Steve aka "Slugger" B)
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13 years 2 months ago #12408 by garthah
Replied by garthah on topic Re: Michael Hilliards Holiday Guessing Game
:woohoo: The fairground or carnival teacup ride

cheerz Garth
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13 years 2 months ago #12409 by shamoo737
Replied by shamoo737 on topic Re: Michael Hilliards Holiday Guessing Game
A diesel engine.
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13 years 2 months ago #12410 by Socalz44
Replied by Socalz44 on topic Re: Michael Hilliards Holiday Guessing Game
How about: steam loco side rods? Jim :blink:
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13 years 2 months ago - 13 years 2 months ago #12411 by Catt
a Tilt-a-whirl. :sick:
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13 years 2 months ago #12412 by Sierra117
Replied by Sierra117 on topic Re: Michael Hilliards Holiday Guessing Game
Is it track?
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13 years 2 months ago #12413 by Mr. White
Replied by Mr. White on topic Re: Michael Hilliards Holiday Guessing Game
A metro link commuter train set
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