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ZCS Paper Chase Contest

12 years 9 months ago #13836 by soccrdad30
ZCS Paper Chase Contest was created by soccrdad30
I would like to announce the Z Central Station Paper Chase Contest.

This is your chance to design, build, and paint a paper/cardstock model. There are three categories 1) Best Custom Build 2) Best Download Build 3) Best Group Build. The “Best Custom Build” category lets you design, paint, and build your own paper/cardstock model. The “Best Download Build” category is for the modeler that has built a downloaded a paper/cardstock model. And the “Best Group Build” category is for the modeler that has gone the extra mile to assemble several downloaded and/or custom made paper/cardstock models.

The ZCS Paper Chase Contest ends on Midnight PST, Tuesday July 31st, 2012.

The following user(s) said Thank You: Fred, TerryH

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12 years 8 months ago - 12 years 8 months ago #13846 by Fred
Replied by Fred on topic Re: ZCS Paper Chase Contest
WOW! This one could be "Vewy Intewesting" as Elmer Fudd would say. Sort of wide open. There are a lot of N and HO scale card stock buildings that can be zapped to Z. There are also downloads on ZCS of paper stuff and other sites. I'm sure Kin would have entered his Paper sided box cars. The judges are going to have a hard time! This stretches the imagination..... :ohmy: :woohoo:
Just for example:

and No Wabbit- you have to come up with something else! :laugh: :evil:
This is a NON entry! :S

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12 years 8 months ago #13850 by Kelley
Replied by Kelley on topic Re: ZCS Paper Chase Contest
A long time ago I can remember using some freeware to make and design paper buildings. Now the one I find on line is the software you have to buy for 50 bucks. Does have a link for scratch building buildings?

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12 years 8 months ago #13856 by Fred
Replied by Fred on topic Re: ZCS Paper Chase Contest
Kelly- I did advance search on ZCS (Under HOME dropdown) of paper buildings. There are several forum posts- but I think you are refering to the Illinois home town. That is where I got the above warehouse building.
Hope this works:

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12 years 8 months ago #13858 by Fred
Replied by Fred on topic Re: ZCS Paper Chase Contest
Here is an example ( and not a very good one) of a "Custom Build" from the ancient history of Z.
The Octo-House. I cut wood in octogon shape covered it with paper bricks- etc - then added doors and windows. Never did finish steps. I post it here to maybe spark some imagination-- It is a NON Entry!
Placed amid a bunch of trees and bushes and "finishing" it up- it might pass.


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12 years 8 months ago #13869 by Catt
Replied by Catt on topic Re: ZCS Paper Chase Contest
Don't know if it will do any good but I just contacted the site that Fred posted about to see if I could get perrmission to rescale the building PDFs (actually did it to keep Boss out of mischeif).

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12 years 8 months ago - 12 years 8 months ago #13870 by Kelley
Replied by Kelley on topic Re: ZCS Paper Chase Contest
No, I knew about the one from the State of Illinois long ago. (guess where I am from) This was a site where you could design your own stuff.

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12 years 8 months ago #13885 by soccrdad30
Replied by soccrdad30 on topic Re: ZCS Paper Chase Contest
I wanted to respond to a few questions out there. Yes! you can use styrene or balsa to support your paper/cardstock models or to accent your model.

I also wanted to supply a few texture links for some of us that are not artistically inclined. I use a few of these myself.





Good Luck!
The following user(s) said Thank You: Fred

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12 years 8 months ago #13895 by mdvholland
Replied by mdvholland on topic Re: ZCS Paper Chase Contest
Kelley, you might be referring to the Kit-o-mat by Kingmill?

kingmill website


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12 years 8 months ago #13954 by Fred
Replied by Fred on topic Re: ZCS Paper Chase Contest
This is an example of an HO paper model-Zapped to Z.

Not an entry as the Z model was made from the HO pattern- cut from wood and laminated with Evergreen Styreen. :evil:

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12 years 7 months ago - 12 years 7 months ago #13998 by soccrdad30
Replied by soccrdad30 on topic Re: ZCS Paper Chase Contest
Apologies for the delay in announcing the contest prizes. But each of the category winners will win one of each of these items.

New Rails Folding Drink & Tool Holder.

Save your layout and models from the danger of spilling liquid from drinks while you're working or operating with our new adjustable folding drink and tool holder.

Adjustable width will hold cans as well as larger drink cups
Folds flat when not in use to save space
Includes four black wood screws
Black textured finish matches our Universal Throttle Pocket™
Made from durable ABS plastic
Lots of Great Uses
Hold cans or drink cups
Use cups to hold tools while you work on your layout
Use on your layout, your workbench, and in your crew lounge

I will custom print (personalize) a wooden Modeler's Pad with your name, RR Heralds, and favorite image similar to my personal modeling pad below.

The following user(s) said Thank You: Fred

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12 years 7 months ago #14013 by Fred
Replied by Fred on topic Re: ZCS Paper Chase Contest
Time is getting nigh so I better post a few pics. Not sure what the next week will bring....

These are John Harmon's card stock building kits- crashed and bashed-- same,same but different!

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12 years 7 months ago #14022 by soccrdad30
Replied by soccrdad30 on topic Re: ZCS Paper Chase Contest
Well, I went a different route with my paper models. I wanted to create something that 'others' could have for their own use. I created some paper gondolas that will fit MTL 40' metal chassis, so for about $7.00 per car you could create a very cheap consist. Currently I only have 40' gondolas create but I plan to add 50' gondolas too.

To finish of some areas I used markers, but weathering chalks will work better since they will not only dull the cardstock but add detail. Once I am completely done I will post this in the ZCS Library for all to download and use. On that same sheet I should have a blank template so modelers can make their own models.

In my photo you will notice several previous versions, too give you an idea some of my mistakes.



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12 years 7 months ago #14023 by Fred
Replied by Fred on topic Re: ZCS Paper Chase Contest
Small Town Station- paper building...


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12 years 7 months ago - 12 years 7 months ago #14025 by rvn2001
Replied by rvn2001 on topic Re: ZCS Paper Chase Contest
Here's an entry for the scratch-built category. My warehouse is built completely out of index card. It's a freelance design.

The following user(s) said Thank You: Fred

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12 years 7 months ago #14027 by hokenstrom
Replied by hokenstrom on topic Re: ZCS Paper Chase Contest
This is my entry - or to be honest - it's my brother's. I completely failed in my own attempts at scribing, folding and glueing. It was a nightmare.
It's a downloaded kit from which we scaled down from HO scale into Z.
It's printed on ordinary gloss copying paper and then slightly weathered with chaulks. The model is of the house on the hill from "Psycho" so I decided to put it in a slightly "spooky" surroundings with two swings swinging by themselves. I also added a Märklin Old styled City light. I know the contest was a paper model contest but I couldn't help myself.

The following user(s) said Thank You: Fred

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12 years 7 months ago #14049 by soccrdad30
Replied by soccrdad30 on topic Re: ZCS Paper Chase Contest
Well, four entries and three prizes are going out to Thom for 1) Best Custom Warehouse Build. Petter for 2) Best Download Haunted Mansion Build. And to Fred for 3) Best Group Buildings Build.

Gentlemen, thank you for entering some beautiful paper modeling. I will get with all of you to find out what RR Logos and RR image you want on your personalized modeling board. And I will put aside a New Rails Folding Tool and Drink Holder to send along with your modeling pad. I will also need your mailing address.


The following user(s) said Thank You: Fred, hokenstrom

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12 years 7 months ago #14058 by hokenstrom
Replied by hokenstrom on topic Re: ZCS Paper Chase Contest
Thank you very much! I understand why there weren't that many contestants - paper is such a difficult material to work with. After my first failed attempts at building a small shed my brother gave me a printout of a papermodel of R2-D2. I almost wept when I started my third attempt.
I will forward the praise to my brother!
The following user(s) said Thank You: Fred

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12 years 7 months ago - 12 years 7 months ago #14059 by Fred
Replied by Fred on topic Re: ZCS Paper Chase Contest
Thank you John for setting up another contest. And please THANK NEW RAILS and yourself for the prizes. Paper may scare some but it is Big in Europe and has many advantages, such as--no need to paint-- a BIG one for Stony :evil: !! Many buildings have shadows, etc. etc. and all kinds of details that would be hard to model 3-D.
Petter- Your brother did a wonderful job!! You didn't exactly pick the easiest model to build :woohoo:
I even see Moma looking out the upstairs window.. and the swing is spooky!!
Just as an aside: I saw in an old fishing town in Maine "Baits Hotel" - a play on "Bates Hotel" :)
Thom- starting from scratch- Your building looks good. I like the angles and roofs- etc. That would be a great pattern to build in Styrene clapboard or vertical boards, board and battan. Real fishey. Do you still have a pattern or did you cut it all up. :(
John- your gondolas look like they have seen many a mile B) Gluing the paper to both sides of thin styrene would make it easier to maintain squarness etc. There are probably many gondolas out there that show the sress and ware of rugged use. I used to work alongside a scap metal plant. A very large magnet- mounted on a crane- would pick up huge chucks of steel, motors, etc swing over the gondola and DROP into the rail road car. This type of operation did not keep the cars in pristine condition for long.
Another aside.. a true sea story.. :) I rescued 15 crewmen from a sinking ship one day out from the Panama Canal in the Pacific. They claimed that the hold bottoms were damaged when the loading operator in Boston, dropped car motors from to high. Drafts are taken before a ship sails from the loading port- and at entering the canal- both were the same. She diden't leak from Boston to Panama- but sank a day after gaining the Pacific. Some skullduggary goin on!! BTW- they all had suitcases, passports, etc- not a sign of a hastey departure.
Back to paper models- often it is easier to build if mounted on something stiff- like cardboard- better Styreene.
I think our members might have been distracted with work,:woohoo:, vacations, mowing the lawn, and just summer- I won't mention ladies :evil:
Thanks again John-
Oh- one last note: Just heard Mr Dave just won out in Michigan. I think I first saw his early modules in Timonium, many years ago and Chantilly and Cincinati. They include Brass, resin cast, lazer cut wood, and yes even card stock buildings.
Congratulations Mr Dave

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12 years 7 months ago #14060 by rvn2001
Replied by rvn2001 on topic Re: ZCS Paper Chase Contest
I'd like to express my thanks to John for setting up this contest too.
Fred....I'm afraid there never was a pattern for the building. It was designed, measured and cut right out of the index card. I agree that it would be better in styrene but index card was all I had on hand.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Fred

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