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House size in Z comparison
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On the right is a \"Dorothy\'s House\" one of my favorites to build. On the left is the new \"Azalea House\" and I think you will see that it isn\'t really that small. In the back, behind the garage, is a bathroom/utility room (there are windows back there). In designing a building, any building, one has to keep in mind the size of the footprint. I wanted to keep this to scale, have it look like a home in anywhere USA or Canada, and yet keep the footprint reasonable. I had finished up Dorothy\'s house with landscaping and the whole bit. The Azalea house is not finished up and ready for a full diorama yet, but hopefully it will be a pretty nice kit and a fun one to build as well. So, does the Azalea house still look too small? I wanted a double garage as I have 2 house kits about to hit the market with single garages. Sorry for the long post, just wanted you all to see the size comparison. Well, I could say Loren made me do it!!! (he didn\'t!)
Wednesday, 04 March 2009
78.36 KB (400 x 234 px)
File size of the original image
364.86 KB (1646 x 965 px)
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