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boy!!! ebay is gone silent!!!
- liltoot
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- Socalz44
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- Mr.JA
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Along with your points about eBay, also... they keep raising their fees. Now that eBay owns PayPal... sellers get hit twice on the fees. That, and the new rules that are starting next week. I know a few sellers that closed at the end of May, because they refuse to agree to the new rules. I'm almost to that point, too. Also, eBay refuses to help the small-time seller with any problems. I've been fighting with eBay about a non-paying bidder who left me negative feedback. The same non-paying bidder has done the same thing against a half-dozen good and honest sellers... but, still... eBay is refusing to help. You would not believe some of the messages I have received from eBay. Absolutely no help. eBay and PayPal may be making money, but the Buy It Now and on-line stores are not going to stick around forever, if they keep raising the fees and more folks keep leaving.
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All you say is true, my e-bay sales have all but dried up. I too am frustrated by the increased fees and low bids, product ideas Ive been wanting to release are on hold and it seems that all things model railroad have succumbed to the "economic downturn". Being the person I am, I can't help but have it affect my mood towards the hobby, I wish I could snap out of it.
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- Socalz44
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- ausman2001
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- kvp
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- David K. Smith
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I don't really understand why 'buy it now' is bad...
It's not that "Buy it now" is necessarily bad, it's just that it defeats the whole point of eBay--that is, back when eBay was conceived. "Buy it now" just turns it into any old online storefront.
The face of eBay is changing with the need for a public company to turn a profit for its investors. Unfortunately, what eBay has found is that its original concept doesn't make investors rich.
Hopefully a new enterprise will come along and pick up where eBay has left off, but that's wishful thinking, I fear. There are plenty of competitors out there, but name one that has even a snowball's chance of becoming another eBay...
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- Mr.JA
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It's not that "Buy it now" is necessarily bad, it's just that it defeats the whole point of eBay--that is, back when eBay was conceived. "Buy it now" just turns it into any old online storefront.
The face of eBay is changing with the need for a public company to turn a profit for its investors. Unfortunately, what eBay has found is that its original concept doesn't make investors rich.
Hopefully a new enterprise will come along and pick up where eBay has left off, but that's wishful thinking, I fear. There are plenty of competitors out there, but name one that has even a snowball's chance of becoming another eBay...
Once again, Mr. Smith, you wrote it better than I can, but that is what I was trying to get across.
There are rumors that Google is thinking of starting an on-line auction site. Unfortunately, I am NOT a Google fan. I have serious concerns about their use of intrusive add-ons and software that hides on your computer, even if you delete it.
There is another on-line auction site that is trying to make in-roads... Wigix. Nothing in Z.
Tokyo, Japan
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- liltoot
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the BUY IT NOW theme is ok, if your looking for something in particular, or shopping for that one thing, but i do prefer to bid on the other stuff,, if it goes over my expectations, i guess i didn t need it that much, and try again. as a seller, im not out there trying to become the next million dollar seller, i just wanted to give people a chance in canada to be able to bid and hopefully win that one thing that hasn t been seen too often. i usually buy from europe, finding the odd, wierd, and sometime very cool set,, and get it brought over to north america for others to purchase. if you ve bought from me, you know i ve always got something strange on.
but if it does come to the BUY IT NOW only,, i wont be selling much longer. and with ebay ever increasing fees, and some very block headed new changes, this fall will be my last sale. i ve tried and i think failed in my attempt to bring canadians this scale i feel,,it s time to just enjoy the scale myself. canada mike
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- Alaska Railroader
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Thanks, I feel better now

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- Socalz44
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- David K. Smith
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Karin, I don't know how the other sites work, but ZCS does have a free to you Classified section. Click on My Z Central and list there. We get 600 hits here a day and the occasional reminder of you classifieds on the Forums would be okay by me. Rob always posts new product listing, but doesn't use the classifieds either. Maybe you guys don't know about them. Cheers, Jim CCRR:)
The problem with Classifieds is that you've got the (sometimes awkward) issue of negotiating price. Then there's the logistics of handling a transaction. For all of eBay's faults and fees, they do provide a painless system for managing sales. I have over 80 auctions running there right now, and I could not imagine handling them all 1:1.
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- loadmaster
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Just my 2 cents.
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- Alaska Railroader
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- tealplanes
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Since Loren and Karen offer some fine items, it is just easier to contact them direct to see what they are working on and ask how much they would like to sell it. Maybe, several of you guys that are tired of E Bay can just list what you have here and see if there is any response.
Just my 2 cents.
That is exactly what I am going to do when I get the time to list what I still have in back stock. I want to trade stock for money.........

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- mthduggan
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As Karin points out, the negotiation of price can be a bit awkward with out a site like eBay; however, I'm willing to give it a go. If you see something that you like on my site, make me an offer. Worst that I'll do is say "no."
I might use eBay now and again as an advertisement, but most of my stuff will not show up there in the future.
aka Paw of a Bear
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- tealplanes
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I agree with your comments. Artists are starving by the thousand, not just painters and musicians, but anyone who creates 'art' of any sort.
Ebay has messed up by having to charge more for their services whatever the reason they give. I think Ebay will suffer in the long run and perhaps become a dinosaur.
Those out there, (you, Karin, and many others) deserve good money for your efforts.
Laymen have no idea what so ever of the talent, time, and creativity needed to produce these fine treasures.
I say it is time for folks to start paying the piper for the 'good stuff'
There are many out there with big bucks who once they discover they like a certain line of product can and will pay top dollar for the unique items.
It is a matter of putting the artist and the potential buyer together.
It's also a matter of supply and demand to some extent. If you have 10 items and only one person wants one, it isn't worth beans. On the other hand, if you have one item and 10 people want the same item, then the artist can go home smiling.
I once heard a saying that I can recite easily and I believe it is very true.......
"People will be happy to give you their money if you provide a product or service that they want or need."
Finding the right product is the challenge.
I still can't believe that many folks just "had to have" a pet rock........

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- tealplanes
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Take for instance David Smith's very unique T scale flasher warning. That is a work of art in my opinion. It is hard to fathom the whole concept of what he did. The end result is beautiful and I'll bet any T scaler would love to have a bunch of those.
That took much careful design and fabrication and currently it is the only one in the world and likely to stay that way.
True, David could decide to make a couple of dozen for the upcoming T modelers, but I seriously doubt he'd have the patience to make them, unless buyers were willing to pay big bucks for them.
The smaller something becomes......the more valuable it is it seems.
Artists deserve the bucks, the recognition, and the respect of those who receive the artist's works.......yup!
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- mthduggan
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Loren, in addition to supply and demand, there is also how much one needs to sell as a component of price. You are absolutely right that it is just a question of coupling the buyers with the sellers.
Quite honestly, I wish that I could turn out dioramas faster but maintain the level of detail. Time.
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