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Chris: My first layout

15 years 2 months ago #7002 by Dampflok
Replied by Dampflok on topic Re:Chris: My first layout
Hi Everyone.

Well, I finished the mods to the station area a couple of days ago. Only one is really noticeable, namely the relaying of the old factory siding to convert it into a loco holding facility for trains on track 1 that are going to return to the metropolis. Having completed those mods, my daughter helped me turn the layout round (not an easy task) so that I could work on the mods to the storage sidings.

My plan had been to just remove the short spur on the right hand end of the sidings and replace the double slip with a trailing turnout (turnin?). Hah! As it turns out, I ripped up most of the track at that end and changed the whole design of the area! In practice I think I over-did it a bit but it doesn't really matter. You can see the mods on my website as usual, along with latest photos, etc.

All my best wishes,

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15 years 2 months ago #7147 by Dampflok
Replied by Dampflok on topic Re:Chris: My first layout
Had a bad time over the last week. Everything I did seemed to go wrong and had to do it again (and, occasionally, again). Still got there in the end. I ordered a new signal from Germany to replace one of the ones that got trashed and then four new masts to rebuild partiallyt damaged signals, only to find that they are kits and I am not sure if I can cope with that. It's all documented, as usual, on my web diary (assuming that you are interested in following my ramblings).

Apart from that, nothing else has happened and nothing will over Christmas as we have the whole family here.

Happy Christmas to everyone,

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15 years 2 months ago #7149 by shamoo737
Replied by shamoo737 on topic Re:Chris: My first layout
Christ, on your updates, I find it very enjoyable.

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15 years 1 month ago #7395 by Dampflok
Replied by Dampflok on topic Re:Chris: My first layout
shamoo737, thank you for your kind comment (but you should remove the 't' at the end of my name!).

There has been no visible progress on the layout since I smashed those signals. However, I have managed to acquire several new signals at very reasonable prices (including some at half price) so I will probably replace some of the old Marklin ones with Viessmann built ones. That should give me some spare bases that I can repair in slow time using those kits I bought.

I have reviewed all the signal types and have made a few changes to the design. As only Hp0/Hp1* and Hp0/Hp2 are available, I am using the latter where, strictly, I should be using Hp0/Hp1/Hp2. Similarly with distant signals only Vr0/Vr1 and Vr0/Vr2 are available.

That's it for now. I will start shortly on progressing things, but don't hold your breath.

All the best,

* For those of you not familiar with German signalling the system used is speed signalling (unlike the British route signalling system). I use semaphore throughout. So, Hp0 (one arm horizontal) = stop, Hp1 (one arm 45deg up) = clear (to line maximum speed) and Hp2 (two arms 45deg up) is proceed at 40km/h. In the prototype there is, as far as I am aware, no such thing as an Hp0/Hp2. Hp0/Hp1 will be used as block signals and starter signals (e.g. at platform exits) while an Hp0/Hp1/Hp2 will be used, one to each line entering a station or a diverging junction irrespective of how many exit routes there are. So, at the up (complex) end of my station there will be one 3-aspect signal Hp0 stopping the train, Hp1 indicating a high speed route (track 1) and Hp3 indicating a diverging route (one of tracks 2, 3 or 4). (Under the British system there would be a four way junction signal.)

Technically there should be a Vorsignal at the entry of each of tracks 1, 2 and 4 indicating the state of each track's exit signal but there just isn't room (or the money) available. At the exit of each track there is a Hp0/Hp1 and at the exit from the station there is another Vorsignal before the train enters the tunnel, implying a block signal at the far end of the tunnel.

You can find out more at one of these webpages: and
except that the latter shows the 3-aspect signals where tracks diverge a 2-aspect.

I hope that is clear. Sorry if you are confused. Just look at my layout blog.

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15 years 1 month ago #7595 by tsugi
Replied by tsugi on topic Re:Chris: My first layout
Hi Chris (and all)

I'm new to the forum, and relatively new to Z. Inasmuch as I've been tooling about with plans and ideas for nigh on five years, but never seem to have time, space and cash all coinciding!

I thought I'd check - noticing you'd been at Elgin - will you be at the SECC in February?


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15 years 1 month ago #7600 by Dampflok
Replied by Dampflok on topic Re:Chris: My first layout
Hi Tsugi.

Welcome to the forum. Plenty here for everyone.

Breitefurt certainly won't be there - not nearly good enough for SECC.

Whether I am there depends on whether I am asked to go down and help out on the AZG stand.

All the best,

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15 years 2 weeks ago #8121 by Dampflok
Replied by Dampflok on topic Chris: Breitefurt - My first layout
Hi All.

Just in case anyone is wondering if I am still here, the answer is yes. However, I have cut back on my various forum activities. Fact is that I have been very moribund for almost 3 months. However, an invitation to exhibit at the Moray MRG exhibition in Elgin at Easter has finally got me going again. Not that there has been much in the way of progress.

As it is essential to show some progress between shows, I decided that it was time to build teh branch line. So it was out with the sheet of extruded polystyrene and saws and knives etc. At the moment it is far from complete. (I was trying various adhesives several of which either too 2-3 days to set of just didn't work at all. Eventually I settled on Copydex - a sort of rubbery glue that used to smell of rotting fish (it's a lot better now). You can see progress so far on my website.

The other good news is that I found a shop that was selling off Z scale stock at nearly half price and that I found a company that sells just the mast part of Viessmann signals. So I now have all the signals I need and more. I will be reorganising the signals to be a bit nearer the prototype spec. A revised plan of my layout can be seen on my website (it's too wide really to be shown in teh gallery.

Anyway folks, do have a look, both in the gallery and on my site.

With best wishes,

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15 years 1 week ago #8235 by Dampflok
Replied by Dampflok on topic Re:Chris: Breitefurt - My first layout
Hi Guys.

I have added a picture of my layout, as it was at the last exhibition, to the gallery. As I say there, I have been working on the landscape and pretty well have the left hand side complete but am not too happy with it. However, it is my first attempt at landscaping and will have to do. I have an exhibition at Easter and really want to have the branch line working for it. Next week, while my wife is at work I will attack the other end of the landscape and try to finish it by the end of the week. Once that is complete, I can lay the track and start testing. There are several repairs to be made to the layout after an accident and time is running out. The latest (and hopefully last) track plan can be seen on my site at or on the gallery.

Best wishes,

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15 years 1 week ago #8236 by Beverly56
Replied by Beverly56 on topic Re:Chris: Breitefurt - My first layout

Your track plan is a grand and complex piece of art B) I imagine the wiring will take forever :blink:

I have a question about Copydex. I'm thinking of using it to lay my MTL track sectional track. Here's a photo of my track plan. The footprint of the layout is 24" by 76" to give you an idea of how much track there is. I'm wondering how much Copydex you think I might use to lay my track. I've never used it before and wonder if you have any tips to pass along. TIA :)

[img size=700)][/img]

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15 years 1 week ago #8237 by Dampflok
Replied by Dampflok on topic Re:Chris: Breitefurt - My first layout
Hi Beverly.

You appear to be using Anyrail - great program and very helpful company when it comes to taking on board users' suggestions (several of mine have been adopted, e.g. square tiles for control panel layouts.)

I like your layout. Very much a 'watch the trains go by' one. Be interesting to see the landscape you plan to build round it.

While I do use Copydex to stick extruded polystyrene blocks together, I am not sure whether it would adhere to the plastic sleepers that I presume MTL use. As far as I am aware, the most common adhesive used is PVA though I would have thought that would not hold the track either. It's what I will use when, if ever, I get round to ballasting the track. Not very helpful for you I'm afraid.

Turning to your comments about my layout. Yes it is complicated. It is based on a plan I dreamt up 20 or more years ago and used for a train set for my kids. It was never finished and had to be dismantled 6 months later. And that was it. As for the wiring, yes, it is horrendous, especially as there are a lot of extra wires as part of the automated routing system. You can see it at and that does not include uncouplers of which there are 22 to be connected up. Still, I will get there one day.

Sorry I could not be of much help.

With best wishes,

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15 years 1 week ago #8311 by Dampflok
Replied by Dampflok on topic Re:Chris: My first layout
Good morning, afternoon, evening or night.

Those of you who are observant will notice that there is now an extra character in my layout's name. A German friend of mine pointed out that there is a quirk in the German language that adds the 'n' in place names. So, Breitefurt is now Breitenfurt and all references will be changed over after Easter. I have not decided whether to add '- Ost' to the name. 'Hbf' is out of the question quite simply because it isn't one, which is a pity; I prefer it.

Having been urged in to action again by the threat of an exhibition over the Easter weekend, all the town buildings have gone, the street lights are being removed and the layout is becoming 3-D at last.

The first bit of scenery was probably the most difficult as it required much carving and the incorporation of a trackbed to carry the branch line up to level two, where it disappears into a tunnel with a couple of hidden sidings. The scenery is made of extruded polystyrene and is very shallow being only two inches (5cm) between the front and the back. This lack of depth will be masked, as far as it can be by the addition of masses of trees. In fact, nearly all the scenic area will be trees, all except a few town buildings and roads.

Having completed the first item I moved on to the front right quadrant. This has not been completed due to my best efforts at slicing off my index finger. (Yes, I know, keep your hands behind the blade. I knew I doing it all wrong and took great care but the polystyrene snapped and that was that!) I have also completed the third quadrant which just leaves the difficult fourth quadrant which has to carry the main line and the branch through their respective tunnels.

Bearing in mind that most of the polystyrene will be covered with a dense conifer forest, can anyone suggest a suitable (UK) brand and colour of paint to represent the undergrowth (or, rather, lack of it) under the trees? Also, what is the best way to set the grass in place, both on the scenery and on the baseboard? I really have no idea where to start with this. As the exhibition is not far away, I will probably not add the trees until afterwards, and will leave most of the scenery loose. If I get time I will, as a temporary measure, lay the branch but remove it again later for the painting.

Finally, I am working on a cover that will fold down in front of the layout and be able to carry descriptions of some of the trains.

I have updated my website with a few photos so do have a look. It also has the latest image of the trackplan. created using AnyRail 4 which was released yesterday.

All the best from a small island,

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15 years 1 week ago #8312 by Beverly56
Replied by Beverly56 on topic Re:Chris: My first layout

Here is Woodland Scenics How To Video page which might be helpful :)

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15 years 1 week ago #8316 by Dampflok
Replied by Dampflok on topic Re:Chris: My first layout
Thank you Beverly. That looks like a really useful site. It will help with more than just planting forests. :o)

I will try to remember to keep this topic up to date with developments.

Fortunately, I don't have to worry about the back-scene as I have a friend who has said that once I have finished the scenery she will paint an appropriate landscape. She actually said that she would love to do teh whole landscaping but as she lives several hundred miles away that's not really practical.

All the best,

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14 years 9 months ago #8983 by Dampflok
Replied by Dampflok on topic Re:Chris: My first layout
Hi everyone.

One change - the layout has been renamed ((again) to Breitenfurt - Ost though I still use Breitenfurt quite a lot as that is the name of the town served.

Rather than writing a long screed, I think the best thing is to direct you to a couple of links where you can see what has been going on. The first is to my layout diary which you can find at: .
The second link is to the latest exhibition page: .

So please do have a look. If you have any questions do post here and I will try to answer them promptly (this time).

With my best wishes,

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14 years 9 months ago - 14 years 9 months ago #8999 by Socalz44
Replied by Socalz44 on topic Re:Chris: My first layout
Chris, Your layout never stops amazing me. Between you and David George you two have the prime examples of layouts. Good work. Cheers, Jim CCRR:)

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14 years 9 months ago #9005 by Dampflok
Replied by Dampflok on topic Re:Chris: My first layout
Hi Jim.

Socalz44 wrote:

Chris, Your layout never stops amazing me. Between you and David George you two have the prime examples of layouts. Good work. Cheers, Jim CCRR:)

Thank you for your encouragement - much appreciated. I tried looking up David George on the Search box but it came up with no answers. What is his ID?

I have started removing the background so that I can work on it further. It requires the cutting of a couple of track feeds which will have in-line connectors adding. I am not sure what to do about the Vorsignale (distant/advance signal). The branch track is connected to the fixed track in the lower tunnel via and extending track to once the branch track has been properly laid there will not be a problem there if I ever need to take the scenery off again. Also, I think I will use the branch line to try out some ballasting. If it all goes wrong it won't be too obvious.

With best wishes,

PS. Since I last posted here I have added a Railex Adler set to my collection as well as a 3-liece set of Marklin 4-axle coal hoppers.

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14 years 9 months ago #9013 by Rowan
Replied by Rowan on topic Re:Chris: My first layout
I agree with Jim, a great layout; thanks for sharing it Chris.


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14 years 8 months ago #9402 by Dampflok
Replied by Dampflok on topic Re:Chris: My first layout
Hi Guys.

Well, after a pretty long hiatus, I am back on track, as they say. Started on the scenery today and an update can be seen on my site complete with a rather grotty photo (will do better later). Not up to "real modellers'" standards, I'm sorry to say, but this is my very first attempt at 'proper' scenery. Do have a look.

All the best,

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14 years 8 months ago #9405 by mhommer
Replied by mhommer on topic Re:Chris: My first layout
Nice progress. 70 Trees?!?!? Wow! It sounds like a lot but the effect is very good looking. I think I will need to dramatically increase my thoughts on the number of trees I will need. I like the look you have achieved.


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14 years 8 months ago #9406 by Beverly56
Replied by Beverly56 on topic Re:Chris: My first layout

Good to see you making progress :) I've got 700 evergreens for my layout. Hope I can spread them around, but still make the scenes look like full. Keep up the good work!

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