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Chris: My first layout

14 years 6 months ago #9637 by Dampflok
Replied by Dampflok on topic Re:Chris: My first layout
Hi Rowan.

We seem to be meeting up all over the place these days! Theanks for teh compliment, much appreciated. My favourite photo is this one. The empty loco yard by moonlight. :o)

All the best,

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14 years 6 months ago #9643 by Fred
Replied by Fred on topic Re:Chris: My first layout
Wow-- That is a beautiful picture!

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14 years 6 months ago #9647 by Dampflok
Replied by Dampflok on topic Re:Chris: My first layout
Thanks Fred.

I was really pleased how it came out. The layout had its back to teh window and the outside light was fading. I put my camera onto no flash, selected indoor lighting for white balance setting and stoipped down. The exposure was for 8 seconds and I managed not to kick the tripod, or fall over it! The result was that moonlight effect. Some of teh latest photos on my website were done like that and others after dark. Most needed a certain amount of editing as teh 8 second exposure (my camera's max, were a bit under exposed.

I am now testing locos ready for the exhibition next weekend. Why is it that after a quick bit of maintenance they always run worse than before?

With best wishes,

PS. For some reason I am not being advised when people respond to my posts so apologies for delays.

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14 years 6 months ago - 14 years 6 months ago #9654 by Rowan
Replied by Rowan on topic Re:Chris: My first layout
Dampflok wrote:

Hi Rowan.

We seem to be meeting up all over the place these days! Theanks for teh compliment, much appreciated. My favourite photo is this one. The empty loco yard by moonlight. :o)

All the best,

Chris you have achieved.B)

The photo of the turntable and the train shed is so good .

Yes we do run into each other on the other forums so in my opinion your now up there with the top of the pack ; have folowed your progress since the start and thank you for sharing the building of a great layout.

On a seperate point , your points.I have all ways thought that the Marklin points a bit "course", but mate they just fit in so well in your yard , one doesn't even notice the point motors.

I've learnt something; as you do wandering the net.

The only criticism is that you are on the internet at the moment and not modelling.
Can't wait for the nexr instalement......:laugh:


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14 years 5 months ago #9689 by Dampflok
Replied by Dampflok on topic Re:Chris: My first layout
Hi Rowan.
Thank you for your kind comments.

Well, the layout is all packed up and in my car ready for tomorrow. Glorious sunshine when I put it in and then tipped with rain 20 minutes later. I will put the rest of the stuff in the car tomorrow (4 cases and a crate - must try to take less.) So, I am all fingers crossed that it will go well. I do have some worries but the biggest is whether I have forgotten something! I really should make a checksheet.

Got myself a new trainset from Railex with a wee Bavarian D VI and two pipe wagons. Photos (temporary) on my Z scale Ep.1 locos webpage.

Supper's ready so I'm off.

Best wishes,

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14 years 5 months ago #9694 by Dampflok
Replied by Dampflok on topic Re:Chris: My first layout
Dear Friends,

After a slow start the Inverness exhibition seems to have been a success though poor signing appears to have reduced the numbers visiting two of the rooms (including the one I was in) which meant that we had quite a few times when no-one was in either of them. However, it was exceedingly busy at times.

Breitenfurt - Ost was in top form with, for the first time, the branch line working (which was a great success with the kids) and I was able to run 3 trains at once for the first time. There were lots of positive comments about the scenery and the backdrop too, which was most gratifying. I did have a few mishaps, like a couple of locos got 'tired' and there were a few derailments. But on the whole I was very pleased with how it all went.

Now I have to get to work again for Elgin at the end of November. This requires sorting out at he dead block on station track 1, a broken feed on the Anschlußgleise (was Nebengleis) track 2. I also need to address a simple form of interlocking so that setting up a route does a reset first. This may have to be a longer term project.

Here, for the first time is an overall view of Bahnhof Breitenfurt - Ost as it appears at an exhibition. The front skit, which acts as a security curtain and carries descriptions of the various trains that can be on show and a list of shows visited so far.

I will be posting more images from the exhibition, including all layouts, later.

All the best,

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14 years 5 months ago #9695 by loadmaster
Replied by loadmaster on topic Re:Chris: My first layout

Do you have a photo of the display closed?
I see two sets of hinges at the front.
I would like to see how you carry/transport it.



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14 years 5 months ago #9705 by Dampflok
Replied by Dampflok on topic Re:Chris: My first layout
Hi Robert.

Sorry about the delay in answering. Even though I am subscribed to this topic, I get no notifications of responses.

I had thought of taking a photo but didn't get round to it and now the skirt has been removed and stowed. However, I do have another exhibition at the end of November so will try to remember to take one then. Basically, the control panel folds forward over the background (with the painted backdrop removed). The underneath of the panel has a strip of wood running its length; this, of course, on top once the panel has been folded up. The skirt can then be raised so that the top part lies flush against the front of the layout and the lower part can then be folded over the scenic part of the layout. The strip of wood at the bottom then hooks over the strip on the panel and a single screw locks it into place. "tSimples!" (or don't you have that 'Compare the Market'* TV ad where you live). For carrying, I have two handles at each end of the board.

The main idea for the skirt came to me after I had swung round the access roundabout at the start of the M9 at Perth.** As I went round a case slipped onto one end of the layout. Luckily it didn't do too much damage as there was not so much scenery then. Anyway, it was obvious that something needed to be done to protect the layout in future.

T'simple as t'zat!

With best wishes,

* To see where this came from go to where Aleksandr will explain all (well worth seeing the videos).

** For those who have not come across that old British institution, the roundabout. A roundabout consists of a large road island in the centre of a junction of 3 or more roads. Usually circular but sometimes more complex shapes, traffic feeds into the ring of road round the island and then leaves it at the appropriate point. Vehicles already on the roundabout have right of way (priority). The M9 (or Motorway 9) is the equivalent of the USA freeway. Motorways usually have two or three lanes in each direction and are limited to certain types of vehicles and/or drivers. There is (at least) one toll motorway but, even though it saves a lot of time, is not much used. We Brits pay heavily for the privilege of driving and don't see why we should pay even more, even if it does save time!!! So there!

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14 years 5 months ago #9726 by Dampflok
Replied by Dampflok on topic Re:Chris: My first layout
Hi everybody.

I've been away for several days after my computer reported corrupt registry and is having to be completely rebuilt (a job that will go on for several more weeks). Anyway, I am glad to be back here but note that the last two or three messages in this topic have disappeared. It's not really important as they were a bit off topic anyway.

With best wishes,

PS. No site updates due to pressure of work etc. Will let you know when there is something to see. In the meantime, here are some exhibition photos: .

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14 years 4 months ago #9986 by Dampflok
Replied by Dampflok on topic Re: Chris: My first layout
Dear Friends,

It's been a while since my last post for which I apologise. Lots of other stuff keeping me busy. Anyway, I had a defective signal which required that the layout be turned round and I decided that, while I could, I would add a bit more detail to the scenery. Do have a look (link is in my sig), but bear in mind that there is still a lot to do (e.g. train shed, people and traffic for a start). I have an exhibition at the end of the month so I will concentrate in getting the new lighting up and running.

With best wishes,

For some reason my sig is not showing. The link mentioned above is

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14 years 3 months ago #10032 by Dampflok
Replied by Dampflok on topic Re: Chris: My first layout
I tried to post, or something like it, this last night but the system went down while I was typing it. CM.

Dear Friends,

In seven days time I will be packing up the layout and loading the car ready to head off to Elgin for my next exhibition. (I also have another booking for March next year.) So, the layout has been transferred from my workbench to my wife's craft-work table downstairs so that I can give it a thorough cleaning and start testing the locos that I intend to take with me. I will also be adding a few extra touches to the scenery.

However, the reason I am posting this message is that, on the way down I too the opportunity to photograph a 'satellite view' of the layout. I did this once before a couple of years back and though an update was due. (Incidentally, I don't think I have ever seen such a view before.) No trains of course, and no backdrop. (It wouldn't show up anyway.) Anyway, do have a look, if you are interested. Use the 'Breitenfurt' link in my signature.

With best wishes,

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14 years 3 months ago #10035 by Dampflok
Replied by Dampflok on topic Re: Chris: My first layout
For some reason, I am no longer seeing my sig file even though it is OK when I try to edit my profile. The address to see my layout diary is .

Best wishes,

[Later. Just realised that I am not seeing any sigs.]

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14 years 3 months ago #10059 by Dampflok
Replied by Dampflok on topic Re:Chris: My first layout
Hi Robert.
At last, I can accede to your request. I have posted two images onto my website showing the layout ready to be loaded into the car. Sorry about the delay but this is the first time since your message that the front has been put on the layout again. In the second photo you can just see the parliament hinges which hold the panel clear of the hidden sidings. Originally it folded flat but the scenery required it be sloped upwards.

With best wishes,

[Later. Sorry, I forgot that for some reason the forum is not displaying my signature. The web address to see my Z trains and the layout is

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14 years 3 months ago #10060 by garthah
Replied by garthah on topic Re:Chris: My first layout
Dampflok wrote:

Hi Robert.

With best wishes,

[Later. Sorry, I forgot that for some reason the forum is not displaying my signature. The web address to see my Z trains and the layout is

this web address returns an error

You do not have permission to access this document.
Web Server at

I tried adding the standard opening page file name of index.htm and that did not work either.

cheerz Garth

cheerz Garth

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14 years 3 months ago #10061 by Dampflok
Replied by Dampflok on topic Re:Chris: My first layout
Thank you Garth. Not sure what went wrong there. The correct address (copied from location bar) is

Best wishes,

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14 years 3 months ago #10119 by Dampflok
Replied by Dampflok on topic Re: Chris: My first layout
Hi Everybody.

Been very busy recently with non-railway related stuff. However over the last few days I have found time to upload my pictures from the last two exhibitions. Some layouts were, like Breitenfurt, at both exhibitions but there were plenty that attended one only. You can access them via the exhibitions index at:

I will apologise in advance for some of the photo quality, I was having problems with the flash gun.

All the best,

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14 years 3 months ago #10121 by ausman2001
Replied by ausman2001 on topic Re: Chris: My first layout
Thanks Chris. There are some talented modellers around, that's for sure. When is your next exhibition?

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14 years 3 months ago #10123 by Dampflok
Replied by Dampflok on topic Re: Chris: My first layout
Hi Gary. Next expo is in Elgin on 26th & 27th March. After that, I am hoping to be invited back to Inverness, Elgin and Falkirk in the autumn. Haven't hit the big time yet!

Best wishes,

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14 years 1 month ago #10354 by Dampflok
Replied by Dampflok on topic Re: Chris: My first layout
Hi Guys.

I haven't been frequenting the boards for a while as I have been doing other things instead. So, after two months leaving the layout leaning against a wall, I thought it was time to get it back into my room. It's on quite a high shelf and when I am sitting at my computer it is almost head height and looks really good so I tried a couple of ground level photos. They didn't work because teh protective strip at the front got in the way.

Anyway, yesterday I took a few photos of the 'traffic' that was added after the last exhibition (see ).

With best wishes,

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14 years 3 weeks ago #10416 by Dampflok
Replied by Dampflok on topic Re: Chris: Bahnhof Breitenfurt – Ost
Hello all.

I've been going through my error logs - all 17 pages of small type! So I decided to start with 'trains' and have been restoring old files that have been deep linked over the last few years. In some cases linked files have just gone so place holders have been put in their place. Still a lot to do and several mysteries, but I am getting there.

I've not done much on the railway side of things in teh last few weeks but have been bring it to life with horse drawn carriages and wagons as well as adding a few people (a most frustrating task!). No photos of the people yet but but a few of teh traffic can be seen at the usual address: . Do have a look.

All the best to everyone,

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